Midnight Riviera
In the heart of a starlit Italian evening, the "Midnight Riviera" emerges as a toast to the enchanting allure of the Dolce Vita. This sophisticated cocktail, is a harmonious blend of our Gin and the delicate notes of pear and yuzu, creating a dance of flavors as captivating as the Riviera's midnight hour.
40 ml Portofino Dry Gin
10 ml Williams pear distillate
15 ml Fresh lemon juice
10 ml Agave Syrup
1 teaspoon Yuzu marmalade
Add all the ingredients except the champagne into a mixing glass filled with ice and stir for 15 seconds, strain into the glass with one ice chunk and top with Champagne. Finish with a spray of Laurel essence and garnish with a sage leaf.
40 ml Portofino Dry Gin
10 ml Williams pear distillate
15 ml Fresh lemon juice
10 ml Agave Syrup
1 teaspoon Yuzu marmalade
Top with Champagne Brut
Laurel essence Spray
Sage leaf
Sage leaf
Champagne glass
Champagne glass
Add all the ingredients except the champagne into a mixing glass filled with ice and stir for 15 seconds, strain into the glass with one ice chunk and top with Champagne. Finish with a spray of Laurel essence and garnish with a sage leaf.